
Canadian Vaping faces a huge legislative hurdle as the Lower house of commons discusses S-5, A bill that would dramatically change the Canadian vaping industry. If Passed, the bill would classify vaping as a health hazard, and steer public policy...
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Flavoring is perhaps one of the most influential reasons smokers make the switch to vaping. Its also one of the most contentious elements of the industry. Anti smoking advocates argue that the flavors only exist to appeal to kids and...
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The average vape consumer buys their eliquid from a professional vendor. Most vendors get their liquids from manufacturers, or are manufacturers themselves. But a fair amount of vapers choose to do it themselves; mixing base, flavoring, and nicotine at home....
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The famous answer: "we don't know" has been made quite a bit more clear after a recent CDC backed publication reviewing the dangers and risks posed from being in a vape-heavy environment such as the interior of a vape shop. The...
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Nothing makes vaper's eyes roll faster than hearing someone assert that Vaping has as many or more risks to your health that smoking cigarettes. Many of us have heard about or read the New England Journal of Medicine's report claiming...
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